Friday, November 9, 2007

Who let the dawgs out?

If you are heading to Athens this weekend for the big football game with your pooch, Memorial Park which is located off of Milledge Avenue is the place to go after the game. At the back of the park there is a huge fenced in area where dogs can run around and play with other dogs without their leashes. Memorial Park has one of the biggest dog parks I have ever visited.

The dog park is encompassed by huge trees that make the area mostly shaded, which is a good thing during the hot summer months. There is an on site faucet for the dogs to drink out of and chairs for the owners to sit in.

The dog park is not only a great place for the dogs to socialize, but for the owners as well. Your dog makes a great conversation starter for other fellow dog lovers at the park. I have met a lot of interesting people and have had some great conversations while sitting at the dog park.

I have seen dogs of all different shapes, colors, and sizes at Memorial Park and surprisingly have not personally encountered any aggressive dogs. I always feel comfortable letting my little pug Jack "rough house" with the other big dogs. Around five o'clock seems to be a popular time to go to the dog park since both professionals and students are starting to get home from work and school. The hand full of times that I have gone to the Memorial Park around that time, there have been at fifteen dogs! And all of the dogs have gotten along and played just fine.

I have never brought my camera to the dog park since I usually have my hands full with two extremely excited dogs, but I will make sure to bring it next time so I can post pictures of the park and the dogs on here.

Oh yeah, go dawgs! Beat Auburn!

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